Psst…She has a pretty cool video produced by Glimsity on her website homepage. The Pedigo Law Firm, a family law practice, focused solely on family law. They practice throughout the Coastal area of Georgia, primarily in Chatham, Bryan, Effingham, Bulloch and Glynn counties. Pedigo Law P.C. provides representation in all areas of family law…
This year, we’re tackling the He Gift, and we’ve got some goodies. It’s everything that will make him happy. #10 No Beer Left Behind Tee from Service Brewing These guys have got our attention lately. You can’t avoid their buzz (no pun intended). Aside from brewing a great beer, they have a great story being…
The Sandpiper Supply Team got together to create a list of the best trends we’ve seen in kitchen and bath design in 2015. Some of these fixtures are new and some have been around and recently gained popularity in the design community. We have seen so many great products this year at shows and in…
On Thursdays in December, Downtown Decatur, GA turns into something magical. During what is called Terrific Thursdays, the town’s shops, restaurants and services go the extra mile to make the season special. From tree lightings, Santa sightings and carols to special in-store events, discounts, and treats, the town feels like something out of a Gilmore…
Scroll through the work of 10 artists from the 2015 Telfair Art Fair and get inspired. To receive updates from Glimsity, please or Follow @Glimsity At Glimsity, in our regular work day we talk to a lot of people, collect useful nuggets of information, gather insight and identify trends locally. Lil is an acronym for…
The Savannah Children’s Book Festival is brought to us by Live Oak Public Libraries and the Department of Cultural Affairs. This year’s event took place at Forsyth Park, Savannah’s largest park in Historic Downtown, on a gorgeous fall day and featured some of the most talented writers and illustrators around. These 11 pictures make us…
Whether you’re a parent of two or a mother to many –it’s hard to get me time. And us time? Just forget it. In a world that takes us from school to soccer and from work to Walmart and back again, how do we find time for each other while still finding time for ourselves…
Here’s to World Smile Day – we hope it’s contagious. #getaglimpse #WorldSmileDay #clickforafix #glimsity #video #lilgblog To receive updates from Glimsity, please or Follow @Glimsity At Glimsity, in our regular work day we talk to a lot of people, collect useful nuggets of information, gather insight and identify trends locally. Lil is an acronym for…
Think holiday card photo. Can’t you envision a family member on each branch? Andrew Sherman helped Glimsity capture this Lord’s Holly in all its glory – over 80 years old and the largest of its kind in the U.S. Found at the Coastal Georgia Botanical Gardens. #lordsholly #holidaycards #glimsity #video #getaglimpse #lilgblog To receive updates…
It’s Constitution Day. See the U.S. Constitution up close — not in Washington D.C. — but in Savannah, Georgia. Georgia Historical Society has a draft copy of the United States Constitution, one of few still in existence. The draft includes the handwritten margin notes of Abraham Baldwin, one of Georgia’s signers of the Constitution of…
Glimsity producer, Carol Wirth, directed the camera to this cozy corner in Lily Bay Studio + Bazaar during the gray morning at the time of the video shoot. Whenever there’s a gray day, she often refers to this image to feel the warmth. #pleasedonttakemysunshineaway #storybehindthestory #glimsity #video #shoplocal #grayday To receive updates from Glimsity, please…
Many creative artists draw inspiration from their surroundings. We do the same from the visuals our cameras record. Today’s theme: Color Palettes All Around You. A look at our favorite color-filled images from the video files. Walk in their door at Glimsity. #glimsity #video #getaglimpse #lilgblog To receive updates from Glimsity, please or Follow @Glimsity…
Labor Day is a day to let those working hands take a break. Here’s a look at some of our favorite images that represent the patchwork of Americans at work. #labordayourway #americansnotworkingforaday #welovesmallbusiness To receive updates from Glimsity, please or Follow @Glimsity At Glimsity, in our regular work day we talk to a lot of…
For many, August marks the first weeks of getting back to school. And that’s when it begins… GERM WARFARE!! Kids drop like flies out of classrooms. The remaining few muscle on wiping their noses discreetly. Teachers send out emails for more tissue boxes needed. The endless cycle of exposure to germs and building up the…
Once in a blue moon is a phrase that means rarely does something happen. And here it is happening now. On July 31st we experienced the rare blue moon, which actually isn’t blue. It’s when a full moon occurs twice in one month, which happens an average of 2.7 years (according to this very helpful…