Author: Carol Wirth

“After more than 15 years in public relations with roots in journalism, I reached a point where I needed to find what I was passionate about in my profession or find a new one. I thought I would come out of the process changing careers. Instead, I found what I truly love about the one I’ve already got: Telling people’s stories. Everyone’s got a story – it’s what makes people (and people make up businesses) who they are, it’s their personality, their difference. I enjoy finding the story, pulling it out, making it relevant and communicating it to the public. In my adapted career, I simply found another way to communicate the stories – through documentary video.”
You can contact Carol at
For those not just playing one, Happy Doctors’ Day!
Doctors’ Day is a national observance to honor those committed to the care and treatment of our health. It also marks the anniversary of a major medical advancement – the first use of anesthesia in surgery. On March 30, 1842, Dr. Crawford Long first used gas to sedate a patient while removing a tumor from his neck in Jefferson, Georgia. Previously, surgeries were performed with little to relieve pain.
On this day, we want to recognize doctors and their dedication to the practice of medicine.
Dr. David Oliver for his commitment to improving the health of the ear, nose and throat.
View full video of Coastal Ear Nose and Throat here.
Dr. Matt Rosenthal for improving procedures in the care of dental and oral health.
View full video of Rosenthal Dental Group here.
Dr. Bob Vaught for expertly improving smiles.
View full video of Vaught Orthodontics here.
Dr. Brad Goodman for advancements in improving the health and well-being of those with allergies and asthma.
View full video of Coastal Allergy and Asthma here.
Wish a doctor you know Happy Doctors’ Day. Leave a comment on our Facebook page
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At Glimsity, in our regular work day we talk to a lot of people, collect useful nuggets of information, gather insight and identify trends locally. Lil is an acronym for Local inside look (Lil). At Lil G Blog, we want to share the good stuff with you. It’s everything that doesn’t fit into our short videos.