Summer evenings can bring on childhood memories of evenings spent on the porch after dinner, playing cards, board games. This Flashback Friday, we can’t help but feel nostalgic for those summertime memories of youth.
Share you summertime memory. Hashtag #summertimememories and tag @Glimsity, so we all can partake.
Sue Gouse paints a beach house at a client’s request to remember a place where summers were spent.
Many afternoons on porches in the South doing this activity. What is it? More on What it is to Joggle.
Perfect screened-in porch for reading spotted in Savannah realtor Chris White’s video…can’t you just hear the pitter-patter of rain on the roof?
A quintessential summer scene depicted by artist Sue Gouse. She snaps a photo of a scene that catches her eye when traveling and recreates it on canvas back at the studio.
Or Sue just hops out of her car to paint a scene, en plen air, as spotted on this trip to the mountains.
Hmmm, what to do? We wish all of our summer days could be so lazy.
Share yours. #summertimememories
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