Author: Carol Wirth


Carol Wirth is the Co-Founder of Glimsity. Carol is a story producer and interviewer. Her primary goal when out shooting video is to make everyone feel comfortable in front of the lens.

“After more than 15 years in public relations with roots in journalism, I reached a point where I needed to find what I was passionate about in my profession or find a new one. I thought I would come out of the process changing careers. Instead, I found what I truly love about the one I’ve already got: Telling people’s stories. Everyone’s got a story – it’s what makes people (and people make up businesses) who they are, it’s their personality, their difference. I enjoy finding the story, pulling it out, making it relevant and communicating it to the public. In my adapted career, I simply found another way to communicate the stories – through documentary video.”

You can contact Carol at

The table is set, the turkey is served. My friend is seated next to her father-in-law, on his right.

“Can you pass the cranberry sauce?”
No response.
“Can You Pass The Cranberry Sauce?”
He turns. “I’m sorry, dear, did you say something? What do you need?”
“Oh, just the cranberry sauce please.”
(Eat, drink, talk. Eat, drink, talk. Eat, drink…err.)
“So how was your visit with Mary?” she asks her father-in-law.
No response.
“Did You Have A Good Time With Mary?”
No response, geez…
Her husband speaks from the other side, “Dad, Carrie is trying to say something to you.”
He turns, “Oh, I’m sorry dear. What did you say?”
Ugh. Nevermind.

She was seated on his right side! Any highly functioning Hunting Widow will recognize the clue.

Hunting Widow
Family, hunting and hearing loss are integral parts of tradition in the South.

Many boys (and some girls) are initiated to hunting at a young age. Eventually, this can amount to decades’ worth of blasts extremely close to the ear on the side of their dominant arm.

Shooting Firearm
The most avid of hunters go out every weekend of the season, which is limited. However, just as I chase the sun to find a warm spot on a chilly day, hunters will traipse across the country (some across the world) chasing open seasons to extend hunting throughout the year. There’s always something to shoot…

It’s dove in the warm months and climates. Followed by quail. Fall comes, so do wild turkeys. Then it’s open for deer hunting. When it’s cold and dark, get ready for duck. Where there’s snow, there’s geese. Don’t forget about pheasant. Come back to spring for another quail hunt. And then take the summer off…fishing.

gun + birds
I consulted with avid hunter and ear, nose and throat surgeon, Dr. David Oliver. On the Saturday that we shot a video of Dr. Oliver, he showed up at his Savannah office freshly showered in scrubs to see patients. He wheeled by the staff lounge where we were getting equipment ready and said, “Hey guys. I would have been here sooner, but I got wet in the pond retrieving a bird. So I had to go take a shower.” Dr. Oliver had already squeezed in a duck hunt an hour west of Savannah prior to seeing patients that Saturday morning. This is one avid hunter.

How does an ENT surgeon protect against hearing damage associated with operating a firearm?

“Invest in excellent hearing protection. Many hunters don’t wear hearing protection because it’s hard to hear approaching game or other noises. However, customized earplugs are worth it. There are so many advanced options now to protect your hearing.”

There you go, Hunting Widows, a Christmas gift idea that will save you years of frustration in the future.

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At Glimsity, in our regular work day we talk to a lot of people, collect useful nuggets of information, gather insight and identify trends locally. Lil is an acronym for Local inside look (Lil). At Lil G Blog, we want to share the good stuff with you. It’s everything that doesn’t fit into our short videos.