It’s time to feature the ones that make their cameo appearances and at times steal the show. These furry friends and family members are very much a part of the lives of the people we film in our videos. And since Glimsity aims to go beyond the image into the personality of the business, there is no way we could leave out these scene stealers.
This dog never left her corner as we buzzed around her the morning of our video shoot of Neil Dobbs, insurance agent in Decatur, GA.
Unlike this dog that followed us around for the entire video shoot at Southern Motors auto dealership in Savannah, GA.
And with a tail like this, who wouldn’t want to be on camera?
This dog was the perfect accessory to a beautiful scene of the girls playing in the yard (momentarily interrupted by what they suspected was a splinter) while filming a video on Mosquito Authority.
Oh, and here she comes! Not going to be left behind by her girlfriends.
And who can miss the star of this show at our filming of the Innovative Veterinary Medicine video.
We could all use a puppy life vest with a crowd cheering to overcome obstacles. Go Gigi, Go!
Or this special poodle who had not one, but two veterinarians examine her, plus one technician.
These dogs did NOT appreciate being left out of the show as IVM veterinarians examined the cat during a home visit. All four of them…if you look closely you will see an outline of a large blonde tail.
This dog seemed a little suspicious of the camera when we were shooting a video for Madison, MS realtor Walt Bowie as he showed us the home he found for a client.
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At Glimsity, in our regular work day we talk to a lot of people, collect useful nuggets of information, gather insight and identify trends locally. Lil is an acronym for Local inside look (Lil). At Lil G Blog, we want to share the good stuff with you. It’s everything that doesn’t fit into our short videos.